Sunday, June 8, 2008

My mailbox is Full

I am experiencing the deluge of mail that every commissioner must experience. Persons and organizations supporting and opposing overtures are aggressively lobbying their positions. It would be difficult to read everything I have received, much less analyze everything intellectually. I am thus grateful for Presbyterian theology and polity. I intend to prayfully read and listen to all who advocate but more importantly to prayerfully listen for the Spirit so that, while I may not know myself how I may vote on an issue yet to come, I can in good conscience have the peace and belief that my personal limitations of understanding can be overcome as Presbyterians meet and work together at GA to address many difficult matters.

The most appreciated communication I have received is a letter from a congregation in another Presbytery stating simply that their members would be praying for all commissioners throughout GA. Will you join them in their continuing prayers - we need them.

Peace, Kears Pollock

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