Monday, June 23, 2008

A Day in Committee

Mission Coordination and Budgets began with a brief worship time and then in good Presbyterian order adopted its agenda and received the past two years of GA Council and agency minnutes (special thanks to the four members who read them in advance) and the audit reports covering OGA and GA Council. Our first big item was to consider the work of the mission consultation group held earlier in Dallas. The committee unanimously endorsed the "Invitation to Expanding Partnership in God's Mission" and then in an act of individual and combined support used the full text as a litany of commitment. We also advanced to the floor of the Assembly a call for a season of interpretation for mission (going into all the world) and for a new churchwide offering to support added mission workers in the field. We heard from our headquarters staff that if the matters that were advanced by committee are adopted the PCUSA for the first time in fifty years will be increasing the number of mission workers - what a testament to the will of our church and what faith that it can be accomplished!

Before our evening committee meeting we had an inspiring and challenging message in evening worship - to seek those places and times where we can experience our faith in both the simple and the profound.

Our committee leadership is working late tonight, hoping that the differences over the resolution of ambiguities and expired purposes in past designated and restricted giving can be resolved in a unified way before the committee takes up this issue tomorrow.

Hopeand Peace, Kears

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